Boldly Going Where No One Wants To Go At All!

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Ok,...before I start posting my Star Trek parodies, just a few words of warning:
  • These are parodies. You MUST have a sense of humor to read them
  • None of my stories have any relevance to the entire Star Trek Canon
  • It was, is, and always will be my intention to upset, annoy, skewer and insult as many ethnic and racial stereotypes out there. Thin-skinned humanoids need not go any further
  • On the advice of my lawyer, I can only post original rough drafts, since all of these stories are copyrighted and I am still trying to get them published.
That said,...beam yourself up and enjoy!

Spaced,..the final frontier!

Yes,...this is the first of many posts.

Having discovered the power of blogging, I will soon start posting some of older Star Trek parodies.

Once that's done, I'll begin with the new one I'm working on "Star Yecch!: Boobyprize."

Beam me up, Scotty!